Our Animals

We love our farm animals, even when they drive us crazy with their noisy crowing, fence jumping, and crafty escape tactics! So here’s our herd….

1) The Chickies

2) Midnight Gertrude B. – aka. “Gertie,” a holstien-jersey cross heifer

3) The Piggies – heritage American Mulefoot Hogs

4) Ozark, aka. “The Pup,” aka. “Gaga” (per Saylor’s rendition), a purebred English Shepherd

5) The Goats – Wendy & Joni, both Alpine/Nubian crosses

11 Responses to Our Animals

  1. thelyniezian says:

    Wot no Ozark the dog?

  2. Roger Shoaf says:


    I stumbled on to your blog doing some web surfing about the mulefoot hog. I am kind of interested in finding tastier meat and I am curious as to how your pork, ham, bacon and sausage compare once it finds it’s way into the kitchen table?

    • Hi Roger,
      In our opinion, this pork by far beats other pork we’ve had.
      Two things we noticed:
      1) Flavor is more intense and just better
      2) The meat IS a little chewier — some might say tougher — but certainly not to the point where it’s not enjoyable…and the remedy is just to not overcook it
      We didn’t get bacon from our first butchering (he was too small) and we didn’t cure any ham, so I can only speak about sausage and pork chops/steaks, but I’d say they’re definitely a great pig for eating!

  3. Friendmouse says:

    Just a suggestion…you keep a “running log” of all the animals you’ve had. For example:
    – goats…3 adults (2 nannies;1 billy) & 3 babies. Now zero…thankfully. Don’t ask.
    – hogs…3 males (1 boar; 2 barrows)…2 butchered; 1 sold
    – cattle…1 cow & 1 heifer calf. Calf bartered away.
    – chickens…quite variable…approx. 85 total…butchered, murdered, disappeared, etc. now 8
    – ducks…12…2 butchered, 5 murdered…now 5
    – dog…1 crazy Eng. Shepherd still on hand
    – cats…2….one shipped to Texas;Teacup remains.
    – Misc: 2 deer harvested; 2 egg-swallowing snakes killed; various squirrels, coons, possums, foxes, and moles, gopher, mice and rats.

    Again, this was just an example…for training purposes only! The numbers are general estimates.

  4. Teresa Tolnay says:

    Love your blog! I live in Camdenton and looking for a homestead to buy over the next year. For now just dreaming looking at your fantastic pictures and stories.

  5. Bassam says:

    Please can you help me
    Where can i find barley seeds in
    missouri or Kansas. For good price
    I have rabbits

    • Bassam, all I know is that I buy seed-grade barley in 50-lb bags from MFA in Lebanon, Mo. They’re about $14/ea. You should call beforehand, though, to see if they’re in stock.

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